Mom made this toffee every year at Christmas time, do not know where she got the original, but these are pictures of her card.
1 cup Butter or Margarine - (really? use butter... ) 1 1/2 Cup Sugar 2 cups finely chopped Almonds (toasted at 350degree oven.) 2 TBS light corn syrup 2 TBS Water 1 Package 12 oz semisweet Chocolate Chips 1 Cup Almonds.
Melt Butter ( I prefer salted butter ), add Sugar, corn syrup, water, cook stir to 300f degrees. Remove from heat and stir in nuts. Pour into 10 x 15 pan, 1/2 inch side, Greased. Cool completely. Loosen and spread 1/2 melted chocolate chips over cold candy. Sprinkle 1/2 cup nuts, let set and cool. ( Update, C added salt flakes on the chocolate before the almonds, adds a really really nice upgrade! ) Then turn over and repeat Chocolate & nutes cool and break up.
Ok, now my edits. Heat the sugar/toffee mixture to 290f degrees, not 300f, it will continue to rise a bit and it can get burned really fast if you wait till 300f. So don't panic at 290f, just get it before 300f. - UPDATE ( At altitude, like 5000ft, 290f works, but at sea level you may want to keep it to 300-305f. The boiling point of water is about 203f at 5000ft, not 212f. ). ( Update, after visiting the UK, 290f worked there quite well and we were basically at sea level. ) - UPDATE - Thanks C Further exploration, in a humid environment you may want to increase the Corn Syrup to 3TBS. In England, where you can't find Corn Syrup, use Pourable Golden Syrup and definitely increase to 3TBS. The increase is to prevent it from crystalizing and keep it clear. If it starts to show pasty, pale, or foamy sprinkle some water on it. ( UPDATE - I definitely like Lyle's pourable Golden Syrup, which is partially inverted, over Corn Syrup, but be sure it is pourable. The other caused the toffee to crystalized. ) Put in (1)6 ounce package of sliced almonds that you toasted and chopped into the toffee as described above. I don't use as many almonds as described, I actually use (2)6 oz packages of sliced almonds, 1 package mixed in and the other used to sprinkle on the chocolate. I put the almonds on a cookie sheet cold oven, start it heating to 350f, by the time it is at 350f and the oven beeps, you are ready to stir the almonds, and toast another 5 minutes. Remove and chop, and do this BEFORE you start the sugar/butter toffee. Stir that sugar/butter mix all the time once you start till you get to 290f. Don't do anything else here. Put parchment paper down on your 10 x 15 pan to pour the toffee mix onto, much better to do the flipping later. Read all the instructions. ( bet you didn't )